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Wei bin's modelling journey

Entry 5

This is the final entry for the modelling journey series. Whoever that has been following this series I'd like to thank you for following the project!

This week is also another fan-inspired modelling, this week's fan is from the forum of an online game community called "warframe". He is an avid player of the game and likes to think of concept characters that could be added into the game. It appears that he is quite well known in the community with other artists already contributing to the project.

This time, he approached me for my help in his concept character "prizak" .

Below is one of the sketches that another artist painted I analyzed the head and noticed that the head itself is rather oval as compared to a human skull. I saw the triangle on the middle of the face and registered that as a main design to signify the concept character.

I felt that this concept represented the themes "structured" and "alien".

This is the final render of the bust sculpt, I transfered as much of the main design as I could to the sculpt. The mouth area was quite empty hence I added more detail to it. 
I also imposed some of the texture design of "prizak" onto the sculpt near the clavicle area. 
This was sculpted in zbrush4r6 and rendered in keyshot. Total time taken: 1hr

I sent the image to the fan who requested it, he was quite happy with the result.

I decided the take the sculpt and test it out on a new renderer. The name of this renderer is callled "Maxwell Render suit". This is a special and very powerful renderer. It is using the latest rendering technology called "spectral rendering" which mimics real life physical light by using the full calculations of fresnal.

Needless to say, the render time was insane, I had to cut down to the lowest quality settings and this is the HDRI render.

Entry 4

This week's entry is going to be about organic modelling again, however it is a little bit different as it is a request from a fan. My work from entry 2 garnered a huge response from the online arts community at As a commenter expressed how much he liked the ben 10 series, I decided to do another bust sculpt from that series as per his request. He requested ghost freak.

I found the original design that they used in the ben 10 tv series and decided to work from there. From the original design I felt that ghost freak represented the words "death" and "disgustingly cool". His colour scheme is fairly neutral except for the eyes and that should be the feelings people should get when they see my final sculpt.

This is the final sculpt, as you can see I gave ghost freak a death robe costume and added chains. I added freakish glowing blue veins on his deltoid and neck area to accentuate the "disgustingly cool" concept. 

This is the video of my sculpting process so that others can critique or learn from it.

The fan saw it as replied that he liked it.

Entry 3

This week hard surface week, I modelled this futuristic fighter jet. This is modelled in maya 2015, I did a image based lighting test render on mental ray and the picture below is the result. It was textured with mental ray's mental image architecture with the original setting for the red colour and the silver colours are done using the chrome presets. 

The theme that I designed this plane upon is "furious" and "turbo speed". 

Finally, I decided to render this in keyshot instead of maya and the result was more realistic. I felt that more detailed parts could be visible too with the keyshot image based lighting.


The materials I used are "cherry red" for the reds and "anistropic black" for the silver colors. 

Entry 2

Hi, this is my second entry, this week I did a speec sculpt fanart of a character from the ben10 series, I figured that it would make good practice for alien organic/rock modelling.

This is the final product, I did a bust sculpt instead of a full human figure as I wanted to emphasize on the head. The image is rendered in keyshot and the fire is composited into the renders. I used the information I learnt from dominic quek's master class and applied to the compositing stage of this piece. What I did was I rendered the sculpt in many different materials then masked it over ontop of each layer, piling up the material information.

I recorded my sculpting process so that others can comment on my techniques

Entry 1

Hello everyone, I will be doing a 1 model per week challenge in the span of 5 weeks. That means by the end of this journey I will have 5 models each having a progressive increase in aesthetic value and my improvements in 3d modelling. I will also then update these models onto my modelling portfolio.

This is my first entry titled "Dragon mecha" 

I was inspired by this concept sketch by Julio Nicoletti and decided to make a concept mecha inspired by his design on the first quadrant. Once I had the head concept done in 3d space, the difficulty was to try and adapt and develop the concept into a suit of armour for a bipedal. 
The key features I took to the concept was to add sharp but curved information that I learnt from the concept and apply it to the model. This is visible from the way the wings are modelled.

The total polycount for this model is 53955 poly faces

This concludes my first entry and the first week. Hope you enjoyed the first of five entries!

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